Release Notes

See the latest feature releases, product improvements and bug fixes.

July 23, 2024
Consolidated Cash Flow Statements
Easily generate a consolidated summary of cash movements for the all entities within your consolidation, in the consolidation currency, for each month in the current financial year.
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February 8, 2024
P&L - More Column Options
We’ve added even more column options to Spotlight Reporting and Spotlight Multi, giving users a wider variety of options to include in their P&L analysis. More choices are available across monthly, quarterly, and annual time periods.
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December 14, 2023
Childcare and Construction Industry Templates
Childcare and Construction report templates are now available and can be used as a springboard into regular reporting. These templates are split into two layers—financial metrics and operational metrics—to give a well rounded view against goals and objectives.
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November 29, 2022
Organisation Filters
Gain deeper insights into your consolidated group and filter an entire report or a single page by an individual entity (or collection of entities) within the group.
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September 21, 2022
Custom Tags
Save hours of data entry and add custom tags into the Executive Summary. Quickly surface data and display the information that is most relevant for your report readers.
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December 16, 2021
Second Layer of Nesting in the Profit & Loss Analysis Page
As part of our Account Groupings feature, we've now added a second layer of nesting to the Profit & Loss Analysis Page! By grouping non-essential accounts and highlighting important ones, it's now easier than ever to sift through the data and find the insights you need.
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June 1, 2021
Updated Default Templates
Templates are starting points and snapshots of how teams (including our own) use reports in Spotlight. We've made several updates to the default templates including reordering pages, changing the name of the KPIs and non-financials page, and editing the cash labels.
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April 27, 2021
New Auto-Text Snippets
For the financially focused sections of your Executive Summary (like Revenue and Bank), make use of our Auto-Text and Tags features to quickly reference financial data from your reports.‍
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